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Jewelry Store Design 84

The project starts with the visual image of the brand, with the concept of "jungle adventure in the city", designs a new LOGO, image system and packaging material extension for the brand, and extends the design concept to the store space and product display system, creating an all-round experience for consumers. three-dimensional experience. When creating a brand-new visual, spatial image and product display system for the brand, the focus of design thinking is to continue and emphasize the brand’s characteristics by using design techniques that fit the fashion trend, and tap the memory points in the brand’s genes to make it more in line with the new generation of consumers aesthetic needs.



Brand products emphasize manual imprinting, without special treatment of materials, and retain the original ecological texture of silver jewelry. Inspired by this, gray textured paint is used on the walls and embellished with wooden dadoes and metal trimmings. The floor and display cabinets are made of natural cement and terrazzo materials to create a natural, coarse-grained yet refined space tonality, which is consistent with the product Echoes. The new visual image of the brand adds realistic illustration elements, depicts the unique ecological environment and rich species of tropical jungles in Southeast Asia, and tries to add an immersive jungle adventure experience to consumers' urban daily life. The illustration elements are applied to the space by customizing colored bricks, subtly injecting a natural atmosphere into the space, intentionally emphasizing the brand's territory and characteristics, and becoming a visual surprise and memory point in the store.


The product display system and props in the store have also been redesigned, with both brand characteristics and a sense of quality, and strengthen the brand imprint from the details of consumer contact points. A craftsman area is set up in the window area of traditional jewelry stores for product display, displaying the precision tools used to make silver jewelry and the daily work status of craftsmen; every weekend, silver jewelry masters will be invited to work on-site in the store, allowing consumers to enjoy a unique experience. Get a complete and three-dimensional brand experience in an interactive way.




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